Artwork for Dysfunctional music single
July 18, 2021
I am pleased to announce that my long awaited new music is set to be released within a few weeks! I am only releasing music, which I have produced myself and when I do that the music will be released under the name “Cecilia Mackie on Mackie.” As you can see the artwork that accompanies the release is complex. This artwork has layers of depth and meaning, which will be revealed and explained in the months and weeks ahead.

QEM Pose #1
July 18, 2021
My upcoming releases will have lots of embedded artwork, which has been drawn by talented visual artists from around the world. This smorgasbord of artwork will include a series of poses held by my alter-ego the Quantum Energy Manifestation (QEM), which were drawn by the incredible artist Madsketcher who is based in the United States. Shout out to Madsketcher!

Selfie Artwork #1
July 18, 2021
I am set to release a flurry of new music over the next year and this will be accompanied by an assortment of artwork. This artwork will include a collection of selfies that have been converted into drawings by a several different illustrators. This is the first selfie artwork in the collection. It is hand drawn by the extremely talented fashion illustrator Ikornati from the Ukraine. I love Ikornati!